Hello Raven Families!

Hello ICES Raven families,

Holy moly….how is this the last week of August? Time is flying by so fast!!! As I had stated in my previous newsletter, each week I would like to focus on different aspects of the school day and how we can improve student learning and this week we are going to focus on homework. Parents, don’t be afraid to dive into the teacher role and help your student(s) with the homework. I know what some of you are thinking, but use homework as a time to socialize with your kid(s) and ask them about what’s happing at school and with their friends….they love it. If for some reason they say they have no homework, then pick up a book and read with them. Below are a few articles related to the importance and the positive impact parents can have on their child/children when they assist them with their homework.

Homework article #1: https://www.gse.harvard.edu/news/uk/18/10/homework-help-reluctant-children

Homework article #2: https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/help-gradeschooler-homework.html

I hope everyone continues to be healthy and safe!!! Please reach out if you need something or feel free to stop in and say hi. The ICES family is amazing, and we will continue to do amazing things with our students and families throughout the school year!!!