2023-2026 ICS Strategic Plan
Academic Pillar:
ICS students will be challenged to meet and exceed high academic, attendance, conduct, & interpersonal expectations. ICS will provide students with the resources necessary to help them do so.
GOAL #1: Teachers will provide vertically aligned, rigorous, high-quality, instruction leading to student mastery of grade level expectations as measured by an average of 70% of students demonstrating mastery on grade level standards-based assessments in the 2023-2024 school year, increasing to an average of 80% mastery in the 2024-2025 school year, with similar performance across subgroups.
GOAL #2: Students will demonstrate skills and plans for postsecondary success through individualized supports aligned to their goals as measured by the use of interest inventories and career planning at ICES, career readiness rubrics at ICMS, and graduation rate and post-secondary plans at IPA, as measured by 80% of all students being able to verbally articulate post-secondary plans, and an 80% graduation rate at IPA.
GOAL #3: ICS will provide effective individualized supports for educational success for all students inclusive of all abilities, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds as measured by no more than a 15 percentage point difference in the percentage of students passing standardized assessments by subgroup on the Spring 2024 ILEARN and SAT assessments, decreasing to no more than a 10 percentage point difference on the Spring 2025 ILEARN and SAT assessments.
Human Resources:
ICS will attract, recruit, and hire using efficient, thorough, and personalized onboarding. ICS will retain high-quality staff members and provide them with growth opportunities and continued support.
GOAL #1: Conduct the full-cycle recruitment process from a diverse applicant pool to ensure the best qualified candidates for the organization.
GOAL #2: Foster retention by providing teachers and staff with administrative support, collaboration opportunities, and by encouraging ICS community involvement.
ICS will provide its students and staff clean, orderly, safe, and inviting places where they will work and learn. ICS will offer resources that support their social, emotional, and physical well-being.
GOAL #1: The percentage of students in Grades 3-5 reporting a sense of “Challenging Feelings” on the Panorama Social Emotional Learning surveys will decrease from 55% in 2023 to no more than 45% on the 2024 survey.
GOAL #2: The percentage of students in Grades 6-12 reporting a sense of “Challenging Feelings” on the Panorama Social Emotional Learning surveys will decrease from 43% in 2023 to no more than 33% on the 2024 survey.
Financial Stewardship:
ICS will operate under clearly defined policies and procedures which govern daily operations. ICS will employ sound business and financial practices in order to be good stewards of its financial resources.
GOAL #1: ICS finance committee will review and revise existing financial control policy and procedures to eliminate barriers to equity and ensure accuracy and relevancy as required by governing agencies by June 2024.
GOAL #2: ICS finance committee will develop a 3 year strategic financial projection to ensure ongoing sustainability post-esser funding that ensures equitable access to high-quality education for all students by 2024.
GOAL #3: Operational policy and procedures goal needed by 2025.
ICS will collaborate effectively with its community partners to raise awareness of the school corporation. ICS will expand its sphere of influence and presence as the high-quality Eastside educational choice.
GOAL #1: Committee will increase the level of representation and engagement on the eastside in order to increase enrollment and provide collaborative opportunities for students, families, and staff alongside community partners by June 2024.