The Friday Finish!

Volume 2, #2

Irvington Family!!!

Can any of us believe that we are entering the sixth week of instruction for the “new” 2022-23 school year? It has been a very smooth beginning of our current academic year considering all that went awry just two short years ago. Consider then, for a moment, how fortunate we are that we are in the position of progressing nicely toward fulfilling one of our organizational goals-Earning and sustaining continued seven-year charter renewal via The Mayor’s Office of Education Innovation (OEI).

I am truly thankful for each of you in our family of schools. Information was collected from a variety of our stakeholders to create a framework for the continued and sustained growth and improvement of our schools. Using this information, ICS administrative personnel were able to craft a fifty-page application with data evidence supporting our institutional effectiveness, potential, and growth and submitted the renewal application at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, August 26, 2022!

Next in the required steps for renewal is our team interview with the OEI. It is there that we will expound upon our plans to enhance and further improve the instructional and educational attainment opportunities that will be made available to every student enrolled in our schools. Continued information will be obtained, culminating in our official OEI interview in November 2022.


Before time and my word catcher editor tells me that I’ve exceeded recommended verbiage, please allow me to introduce:


  1. Sherrian L. McGaw as the Director of Human Resource Services, effective Board action on August 24, 2022, and
  2. Gracie Rosson, Central Support Services Assistant, effective August 22, 2022.


Now that a major organizational task/goal has been met/fulfilled, I am pleased to advise that our 100 percent commitment is toward providing intellectually stimulating instructional opportunity to students on a consistent, daily basis with a standard of excellence. In the days to come, ICS family will work collaboratively in the assessment of and noted performance practices necessary and displayed in becoming a highly effective school system based upon this focus.

THANK YOU for your service! See you soon!