The Friday Finish!


January 20, 2023

Happy Friday, ICS Family! I realize that I am egregiously late with your “Happy New Year” wishes (other than the mass e-mail that I sent advising of the CAN), so please accept my most sincere apology! I promise that this edition won’t be too long, as I don’t want to be that guy keeping you from a restful weekend!

Our Comprehensive Needs Assessment/Curriculum & Instruction Review was completed last week and was very illuminating with respect to what we do well, what we do with frequent achievement, and what we can stand to improve upon. The reviewers, Mr. Bob Stokes, Mr. Marty Sugerik, Dr. Marsha Moseley, and Dr. Aimee Wyatt, were very complimentary on how they were received in our schools, the level of communication and transparency displayed during the team interviews, the thoughtful instructional practices witnessed during classroom visits, and the engaging banter with school leadership teams.

On Friday, January 13, the administrative teams from each school and from corporate were debriefed about their findings and “next steps.” Each school administrator has a PowerPoint presentation entitled “ICS Curriculum and Instruction Review Debriefing.” Your principal & school leadership team should have or will in the very near future sit with you to review the data and explain the following:

Where are we regarding:

  • Engaging instruction

  • Do we offer an aligned curriculum?

  • Are there clear academic/career pathways?

  • What supports are in place to facilitate student success?

  • Does ICS have a leadership team and structure in place for continuous improvement?

The answers to these questions, along with others, are found in the presentations provided to us on January 13.

What’s Next?

During a corporate-wide staff development day in March, the CNA/CIR team will return to Irvington and conduct an “unpacking” professional development activity. It is our desire and expectation that the information that will be shared in this unpacking activity will be used to refine school and corporate instructional, support, and leadership practices.

I wish to thank you again for your positive attitude and professionalism during this visit. We have begun the second semester/half of our year on a strong note. So strong, that whenever possible, you’ll hear me say:



Have a great weekend!