In order to ensure that grades accurately reflect what students know and can do, IPA will hold all students accountable for doing all assignments on time, every time. If a student misses an assignment, a zero will be used as a placeholder in the gradebook until the assignment is turned in. Teachers have the right to classify poor quality work, or partially-completed work, as missing. Assignments will be taken for full credit at any time during a current quarter prior to the last week of the quarter. Teachers will not accept late work after each quarter has ended.
On Wednesdays, each student’s advisory teacher will contact home if the student is missing any assignments or assessments in any of their classes. Parents and students may also see grades in real time using PowerSchool online, or the Powerschool app. Students who are missing any assignments or assessments will be required to report to their advisory classes at the end of the school day from 3:50-4:30 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday, and 2:35-3:15 p.m. on Wednesday and Friday. Failure to report to advisory at the end of the day will result in disciplinary action. Students who are not missing any assignments or assessments will be eligible for early release after their academic classes are over and will not need to report to advisory at the end of the day.